
6 years ago

Today, Jarosław Jerszyński, legal counsel, partner to our law office, will have the pleasure to lead a lecture on implementation of the Act on the national cyber-security system and on the Regulation concerning key services, organised by the Polish District Heating Chamber of Commerce (IGCP).

6 years ago

The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection will know fiscal secrets of companies

The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection has drafted an amendment of the act on competition and consumer protection. A purpose of the drafted provisions is to strengthen the institutional position of the President of the OCCP, to ensure the OCCP an access to information which may constitute a bank or fiscal secrets and to enable a transfer of information between the President of the OCCP and FSA (KNF). In addition, the amendment provides that the President of the OCCP will apply the EU regulation on addressing unjustified geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on customers’ nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the internal market (2018/302). More in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

6 years ago

Hearing of actio pauliana in another country

In regard to actio pauliana, the Court of Justice of the European Union has recognized that aggrieved creditors may use a special jurisdiction and demand a hearing theirs case in a country, in which a potential ineffective agreement has been concluded. More in Gazeta Prawna

6 years ago

New article by Gracjan Pietras

6 years ago

The Copyright Directive

European Parliament adopted by a vast majority a draft of copyright directive. The proposed directive includes controversial art. 13, which introduces mandatory web content filtering with regard to infringements of copyrights, and art. 11, which covers related rights for press publishers. Detailed information on how rules for monitoring and publishing of content are going to change please see issue of Puls Biznesu

6 years ago

Simple Joint Stock Company

As part of the amendment to the Code of Commercial Companies, planned for 2019 by the Ministry of Enterprise and Technology, work is underway to create a simple joint-stock company. The Polish Bank Association believes that the draft simplifies the rules and is beneficial for the shareholders of such a company, but does not adequately protect its potential creditors and business partners. More on this topic in Gazeta Prawna

6 years ago

Revolution in the Code of Civil Procedure

The Ministry of Justice is preparing an extensive amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure. The main purpose of this amendment is to accelerate the court proceedings and allow to organize more efficient proceedings. Amendments are intended to cover, inter alia, provisions regarding evidence procedure, as well restore an economic procedure liquidated in 2012. More in Rzeczpospolita

6 years ago

Revision of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD)

The revised Audiovisual Directive will cover not only traditional media but also video-sharing platforms such as Netflix, You Tube or Spotify. The new rules reflect digital progress and provide, among others, a fairer environment for all audio-visual providers, protection of minors and consumers against harmful content and provisions on promotion of European creators in on-demand catalogues with at least 30% share of European content. More in  Gazeta Prawna

Miliony Europejczyków już nie siedzą całymi rodzinami przed telewizorami. Ludzie, szczególnie ci młodzi, oglądają wideo online, często korzystają z usługi wideo na żądanie, a podstawowym nośnikiem stały się urządzenia mobilne” – uzasadnia potrzebą wprowadzenia nowych przepisów Komisja Europejska.Miliony Europejczyków już nie siedzą całymi rodzinami przed telewizorami. Ludzie, szczególnie ci młodzi, oglądają wideo online, często korzystają z usługi wideo na żądanie, a podstawowym nośnikiem stały się urządzenia mobilne” – uzasadnia potrzebą wprowadzenia nowych przepisów Komisja Europejska.

6 years ago

Changes in consumer bankruptcy

The bankruptcy procedure is not fully transparent and many people cannot restructure their debts” Deputy Minister of Justice Marcin Warchoł announced another amendment to the Bankruptcy Law at the beginning of 2019. For more details about planned changes please see today’s issue of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

6 years ago

Changes in consumer bankruptcy

“The bankruptcy procedure is not fully transparent and many people cannot restructure their debts” Deputy Minister of Justice Marcin Warchoł announced another amendment to the Bankruptcy Law at the beginning of 2019. For more details about planned changes please see today’s issue of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

6 years ago

Is it possible to resell an e-book?

The Court of Justice of the European Union will soon decide whether the copyrights to the electronic edition of a book are ‘exhausted’ in the context of resaleability of a purchased copy.,wypozyczanie-i-upowszechnianie-e-bookow-czy-jest-legalne.html

kindle, e-book

6 years ago

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

The amendment to the act on combating unfair competition, which awaits its publication in the Journal of Laws, raises controversies as regards the employees’ liability for violation of trade secrets. While the experts differ on whether the new regulations are going to improve or deteriorate the protection of trade secrets, it is generally agreed that the amendment will force entrepreneurs to introduce changes in their internal regulations and agreements with employees.,10-sierpnia-2018/65322,Tygodnik-Gazeta-Prawna/670285,Zwiazani-tajemnica-firmy-na-zawsze!-Mozliwe-bo-zniknal-jeden-przepis.html

6 years ago

The witness fee

As a part of amendments to the Civil Procedure Code, Ministry of Justice is considering an introduction of a new fee in the amount up to 100 PLN for appointing a witness, expert witness or party only during the proceedings’ course. The purpose of the amendments is to force entrepreneurs to submit evidence in a documentary form and to avoid an extension of proceedings.

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna


6 years ago

Not everyone can be forgotten

The Right to be forgotten is not applicable to data available in public registers such as National Court Register (KRS) or Central Registration and Information on Business (CEIDG). Enterprises and non-governmental organisations don’t have to ask for a consent to process such data.  For more details please see today’s issue of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.Rejestry publiczne, takie jak Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy czy Centralna Ewidencja i Informacja o Działalności Gospodarczej, są dostępne dla każdego i każdy może w nich sprawdzić, kto jest prezesem danej spółki czy fundacji albo pod jakim adresem prowadzi działalność.

6 years ago

Czy nowa dyrektywa zakończy erę otwartego internetu?

We recommend a new article written by Gracjan Pietras.

6 years ago

The European Commission adopted a position on the reform of copyright law

The reform of copyright law proposed by the European Commission will change the rules for monitoring the content available on the Internet.

Google, YouTube and Facebook will be required to systematically check the content provided by their users, such as video or music, from the point of view of respect for copyright law. More in Puls Biznesu

6 years ago

Royalties collected more carefully

Works on the act on collective management of copyright and related rights have been completed. Organizations of collective management of works will have limited freedom in managing collected royalties and the issues of distribution of funds between creators will be more regulated. #copyrightlaw #royalties More in Rzeczpospolita

6 years ago

The Court’s decision to dissolve the company is just a premise

The Supreme Court decided that the existence of a premise for dissolution of a limited liability company including a final court judgment, does not automatically mean its dissolution – the dissolution is only when the liquidation process is completed and when the company is removed from the National Court Register. More in Puls Biznesu.

6 years ago

Changes in pursuing property claims

Shorter limitation periods, a new way of calculating the time limits for limitation, end of pursuing barred claims and changes in the enforcement of cash benefits are just some of the changes to the new, published on Friday in the Journal of Laws – Act of 13th April 2018 amending the Civil Code and some other laws. More in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.


6 years ago

BTE will not be changed even by the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal

BTE will not be changed even by the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal

The Supreme Court issued a decision under which it recognized that the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of 15th April 2015 declaring the unconstitutionality of the procedure for issuing BTE does not constitute grounds for reopening proceedings undermining the enforcement of bank enforcement titles. More in Rzeczpospolita

6 years ago

A management board may be punished by having their business closed down

The new act on liability of collective entities provides for winding up of a company and a takeover of its assets and shareholders rights by the State in the event of serious infringements. For more details please see today’s issue of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

dokument, podatki, kontrola, audyt, firma, fiskus

6 years ago

The limitation periods will be shortened

Pursuant to an amendment of the Civil Code adopted by the Polish Senate, the limitation periods for pecuniary claims shall be reduced from 10 to 6 years. Changes adopted at the same time in the civil procedure shall include i.a. a requirement to indicate a claim’s due date already in a lawsuit. More on

articleImage: Będą krótsze okresy przedawnienia

6 years ago


We recommend a new article written by lawyer Jarosław Jerszyński on Linkedin

6 years ago

RODO in 10 (not necessarily easy) steps

We recommend a new article written by lawyer Jarosław Jerszyński which recently appeared on the iMagazine website.

6 years ago

Greater protection of company’s secrets

A draft amendment to the Act on Combating Unfair Competition has been submitted to the Sejm. Acquiring someone else’s information constituting the company’s secret will be considered as an act of unfair competition. At the same time, the requirements necessary to obtain legal protection by the entrepreneur will increase. More on this topic in Puls Biznesu

6 years ago

RODO: when small and medium entrepreneurs have to keep a record of processing activities  

The General Inspector of Personal Data (GIODO) informed that entrepreneurs who employ fewer than 250 people will not be exempted from the obligation to keep a register of processing activities within the RODO, if processing will cause a risk of violating the rights or freedoms of natural persons, will not be sporadic or will cover specific categories of personal data, or personal data regarding convictions and criminal offences. #rodo #theprotectionofpersonaldata. More in today’s Rzeczpospolita

6 years ago

Thanks to RODO cameras in companies will be legal

The issues of video monitoring in the workplace will be regulated by the amendment of the Act on the Protection of Personal Data adopted by the Parliament. The changes are aimed at adapting Polish regulations to the EU Regulation #RODO. Rzeczpospolita writes more on the principles of using cameras in the workplace and planned further changes in the labour code. More in Rzeczpospolita

6 years ago

Tool for creditors

The government finishes work on the draft law on the National Register of Indebted Persons. The electronisation of bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings is to facilitate their conduct and reduce costs. We read in the Puls of Biznes that there will be entities in the system against which bankruptcy was declared, only those at risk of insolvency and those against which ineffective execution was carried out. # debts # bankruptcy #restructuring #thenational registerofindebtedpersons

6 years ago

HSBC carried out the first blockchain transaction

Reuters informed that HSBC Holdings and the Dutch ING carried out the world’s first blockchain transaction. Vivek Ramachandran, the head of innovation and growth at HSBC, argues that thanks to #blockchain, financial transactions can be simpler, faster, more transparent and safer. More information in today’s edition of Puls Biznesu.


7 years ago

New labor code: full-time employment instead of a civil law contract

The Labor Law Codification Commission finishes work on two projects of new codes: individual and collective labor law. Officially, the work will end on 14th March. “Rzeczpospolita” discusses the details of controversial changes regarding the change of treatment of self-employed workers.

7 years ago

Changes in the scope of limitation will affect the claims of the people who have a credit denominated in the Swiss franc

In the Polish Parliament, the works have begun on the amendment of the Civil Code in the scope of new limitation’s periods. The Act also gives courts the power to determine whether a consumer may plead the allegation of the claims’ limitation against entrepreneurs, for example against banks. More in Gazeta Prawna.,nowelizacja-przepisow-o-przedawnieniu-to-niebezpieczne-zmiany-dla-konsumentow.html

franki kredyt sąd

7 years ago

RODO: Officials will send information about personal data

In accordance with the EU Personal Data Protection Regulation (#RODO), each person has the right to request from the data controller to transfer, free of charge – also via e-mail – the copy of data that pertains to him or her. Gazeta Prawna writes about the potential impact of this provision on administrative proceedings.,obowiazki-urzednikow-rodo-ochrona-danych.html

Zgodnie z unijnym rozporządzeniem o ochronie danych osobowych (RODO) każda osoba ma prawo zażądać od administratora danych nieodpłatnego przekazania – także za pośrednictwem poczty – kopii danych, które jej dotyczą.

7 years ago

MC: The draft law on the protection of personal data – ready and will change 40 acts

After the completion of public consultations and opinions, the draft act on the protection of personal data was sent to the Committee for European Affairs of the Council of Ministers. The project ensures effective application of the EU regulation 2016/679 (RODO) in Poland and includes amendments to 40 acts.

articleImage: MC: projekt ustawy o ochronie danych osobowych - gotowy, zmieni 40 ustaw

7 years ago

UOKiK has a whip on price collusion

The President of UOKiK announces the imposition of higher financial fines and a stricter approach to vertical agreements. Until now, UOKiK was relatively more understanding towards the latter. Rzeczpospolita writes about the priorities of UOKiK for 2018.

7 years ago

Ministry of Economic Development decapitates GDPR. New legislation provides weaker consumer protection then current one

Ministry of Digital Affairs is working on new personal data protection bill, by which most of polish firms won’t be obliged to inform customers about terms of processing their personal data. More details in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.,rodo-zwolnienie-z-obowiazku-informowania-o-przetwarzaniu-danych.html

nauka, praca, szkolenie, komputer

7 years ago

More certain non-cash payments. The EU exacerbates the penalties for phishing private data

The European Commission has adopted a draft of law introducing new regulations on the financial market. The EU directive introduces the uniform legal framework in terms of combating card crime and counterfeiting for all European Union countries. More about this topic in today’s Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.,platnosci-bezgotowkowe-karty-platnicze-kary-dla-hakerow.html

7 years ago

Dr Gryszczyńska: there will be not criminal liability for illegal processing of personal data

The draft of the new law on the protection of personal data does not provide for penalties for the illegal processing of personal data. Due to the fact that the provisions of the old law penalising such practice will cease to apply on 25th May, the experts fear that their lack may cause an increase in cybercrime. We read about the details in portal:

7 years ago

Electronic payments will be safer – new government bill on payment services

On Tuesday the Government accepted the proposition of new Payment Services Act. New regulations are meant to increase security of electronic transactions, also cross-border ones – says “Rzeczpospolita”.—-projekt-noweli-ustawy-o-uslugach-platniczych.html

7 years ago

eCard and Dotpay will defer the payments

The payment companies eCard and Dotpay work on a project of introduction the deferred payment on the electronic services market. Thanks to this solution, the Poles will be able to pay for their online shopping even with a month delay. Puls Biznesu writes in detail.

7 years ago

GIODO will decide about validity of previous consents for processing of personal data

In following days GIODO (Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data) shall settle if previously acquired consents for processing of personal data will be valid under new UE General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). More details in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.,klienci-nie-zostana-zasypani-listami-od-przedsiebiorcow.html

Jeśli więc krajowi przedsiębiorcy przestrzegali naszych surowszych od unijnych norm, to nie powinni mieć problemów z wykazaniem, że zgody były wyrażone w sposób jednoznaczny, dobrowolny i dla określonych celów

7 years ago

How safe you prints are?

At the end of May, 2018, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force. Since cybercriminals can gain remote access to computers, no IT specialist or user underestimates safety of printing. More details in Puls Biznesu.


7 years ago

PiS (Law and Justice) concepts for overhauling consumer bankruptcy

The government is working on amendments to restore the patency of consumers bankruptcy, which can be declared by the debtor once per ten years. Read more in Rzeczpospolita.

7 years ago

Experts: two applications from Google Play impersonate Polish banks

Two dangerous applications appeared in the online shop “Google Play” which try to extract from users the access data to internet accounts in 14 Polish banks – the cyber-security experts warned on Monday.

Image result for puls biznesu

7 years ago

The Supreme Court: the responsibility of the member of the management board in the insolvent limited liability company

Based on the latest resolution of Supreme Court, the member of the management board who assumes the function in the insolvent limited liability company, is liable for only these debts, which arose during his or her management. We read more:

7 years ago

The Court of Justice of the EU: Coty could prohibit the sale of its products on Amazon

The Court of Justice of the EU confirmed that the prohibitions of resale through online platforms of third parties e. g. Amazon are admissible in the network of selective distribution. More about this in:

7 years ago

Strasburg: Camera in the lecture hall infringes the privacy of the lecturer

European Court of Human Rights in its judgement of 28th November stated that placing the monitoring in lecture halls and in this way recording the course of lectures constituted the infringement of right to the privacy of lecturers.

articleImage: Strasburg: kamera w sali wykładowej narusza prywatność wykładowcy

7 years ago

Sequence of duties arising from GDPR

According to dr. Dominik Lubasz, editor of Comments to GDPR, without proper understanding of goals there is no chance to prepare properly for the introduction of GDPR. How to understand it’s logic, and how to schedule your duties to manage with implementation – author explains in his article on

articleImage: Sekwencja obowiązków wynikających z RODO

7 years ago

Pole’s wage – confidential

Revealing information about salary is a infringement of personal interests – employers are bound to protect this information. From the other hand, among employees there is a tendency to unofficialy discuss their wages. Read more details in today’s Puls Biznesu.

Image result for puls biznesu

7 years ago

UOKIK will be able to remove suspicious offers from the network

The officials will be able to order to remove the website addressed to the consumers from the network or to make changes of its content. New entitlements for UOKIK result from the regulation adopted by European Parliament.

articleImage: UOKiK będzie mógł usuwać z sieci podejrzane oferty

7 years ago

Another step to PSD II. European Commission published the project of significant regulation

European Commission adopted the regulation implementing the Directive PSD2. On the basis of regulation, banks will have to provide the third parties with interface to accounts maintained by banks. We read about the details in portal:

7 years ago

Piebiak: we introduce a lot of breakthroughs into the civil procedure, one of them is the fight against frequent resort to courts

Ministry of Justice prepared the amendments to the Civil Procedure Code which involve, among others, new regulations concerning the choice of local jurisdiction of the court. As Łukasz Piebiak assures, deputy Minister of Justice, the reform is above all to speed up civil proceedings by restricting the possibility of so-called frequent resort to courts by the parties which is targeted at, among others, extending the duration of proceedings. Read more about this in: Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.,piebiak-o-rewolucji-w-procedurze-cywilnej.html

prawo, Temida, sąd, wyrok, orzeczenie, sądownictwo

7 years ago

Court of Appeals: the execution of bank enforcement title interrupts the period of limitation, only when the bank is asserting the claim

The Court of Appeals in Gdańsk found that in the light of the actual jurisprudence, the purchaser of debts which is not a bank, cannot effectively refer to the interruption of limitation as a result of directing the bank enforcement title to execution. We read about the details in portal

articleImage: SA: egzekucja bankowego tytułu wykonawczego przerywa przedawnienie, tylko gdy roszczenia dochodzi bank

7 years ago

EC fined the producers of auto parts for cartel agreement

On Wednesday European Commission imposed a fine of 34 million euro on five producers of auto parts for infringement of Union antitrust provisions. They created cartels in which they determined the prices of products.

articleImage: KE ukarała producentów części samochodowych za zmowę kartelową

7 years ago

Payment by card or telephone in any shop and office

The Ministry of Development is preparing a proposal for legislative amendment to the provisions regarding the development of electronic payment. All offices will be obliged to create the possibility to make payment or settle outstanding payments in a non-cash form. More in: Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.,platnosc-karta-w-kazdym-sklepie-i-urzedzie.html?r=7233

Karty płatnicze, terminal

7 years ago

You will be able to buy online in any EU country. There is an agreement on geo-blocking

The Member States and the most important EU institutions agreed on the plan of introduction a prohibition on geo-blocking in e-commerce, that is depending the sale on residence of the buyer. This agreement aims at ending the discrimination of consumers from certain regions of Europe.

7 years ago

The next step towards the implementation of PSD2

The work continues on the act implementing the directive PSD II to the Polish law. On the Government Legislation Centre’ s websites, the new documents appeared concerning the amendment to the act on payment services. The materials concern the Law Commission.

7 years ago

RODO will change many acts concerning public authorities

New law on the protection of personal data will change provisions in many acts significant for national bodies. Read more about this in portal

articleImage: RODO zmieni wiele ustaw dot. administracji publicznej

7 years ago

Consumer bankruptcy brings debt relief to business owners

In theory, using procedure of consumer bankruptcy in case of former entrepreneurs is difficult – but in practice over a half of these bankruptcies apply to those, who indebt themselves while running business. Read more about this topic in today’s Puls Biznesu.

7 years ago

Restructuring tourism no longer vaild

In Warsaw had place every-year congress of INSOL Europe – international association gathering professionals from bankruptcy and restructuring sector. Main topic was the planned directive of European Parliament and of the Council, primarily affecting area of prevention restructuring process. Read more in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.,turystyka-restrukturyzacyjna-przestanie-miec-sens.html?r=55391

Projektowana dyrektywa dotyczy przede wszystkim prewencyjnych procedur restrukturyzacyjnych

7 years ago

GDPR also means changes in e-privacy legislation

Present and biding EU Data Protection Directive is limited only to traditional telecom operators. New provisions are about to enhance this category to include all online services providers.

articleImage: RODO to także zmiany w przepisach dotyczących e-prywatności

7 years ago

The cyber war goes on. Is an intelligent cloud the solution?

The Oracle company presented, functioning in the cloud, cyber security system, using artificial intelligence and machine learning. It analyses what happens in the company’s network, differentiates normal models of behaviour from anomalies, detects weaknesses of securities, attacks and prevents them. More on portal

7 years ago

Streżyńska: We want Facebook to be governed by Polish law

The Minister of Digitization – Anna Streżyńska proposed project of changes in amendment to the Act on Electronic Services. According to the proposal social portal – Facebook – would be governed by Polish law and would not separately block the accounts and the information posted there. Puls Biznesu writes in detail.

7 years ago

The data for algorithms in BIG Data also must be protected

Many start-ups offer services of analysis BIG Data based on algorithms using machine learning. To make analyses reliable, the data are essential: the more, the better. This raises the risk of data safety. Read more about this in portal:

articleImage: Dane do algorytmów w BIG Data też muszą być chronione

7 years ago

Revealing data may harm the debtor

Ministry of Justice is working on new bill constituting National Register of Debtors. From internet-published register anyone will have a possibility to check entrepreneurs’ restructuring proposals, declarations of bankruptcy, and appeals for secondary insolvency proceedings with its adjudications. Read more in Puls Biznesu.

7 years ago

Access to bankruptcy proceedings files also via Internet

Ministry of Justice is planning to introduce new legislation on National Court Register, along with possibility to access bankruptcy proceedings files by Internet. Digitalisation of files is meant to ease court administration from issueing certified copies and documents.

articleImage: Dostęp do akt postępowania upadłościowego również przez internet

7 years ago

PSP: BLIK został pierwszym niekartowym schematem płatniczym w Polsce

NBP wydał zgodę na prowadzenie systemu płatności mobilnych BLIK na podstawie znowelizowanych przepisów ustawy o usługach płatniczych. BLIK jest pierwszym niekartowym schematem płatniczym w rozumieniu tej ustawy. #platnoscimobilne #blik #uslugiplatnicze,174,0,2381230.html

7 years ago

Amendments caused by GDPR – what banks can expect?

Due to implementation of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) several legal acts shall be amended, including banking law. Read more about upcoming changes for banks on website

Zmiana przepisów w związku z RODO – co czeka banki

7 years ago

EC rate positively USA’s personal data transfer agreement

In opinion of EC personal data transfer agreement settled between USA and UE in 2016 is being implemented efficiently. European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Viera Jourova during inspection proposed several amendments to enhance safety of processing personal data. Read more about Comissioner’s postulates on portal

articleImage: KE pozytywnie ocenia porozumienie z USA ws. przekazywania danych osobowych

7 years ago

Insurers put emphasis on personalized policies – new provisions regarding data protection may restrict it

New technologies cause that more and more insurance companies benefit from solutions which enable to deliver detailed information about the client. Thanks to this, these companies may create policy adjusted directly to the needs of client. However, this raises certain doubts in the context of implementation of the new act on the protection of personal data. Read more about this today in portal

articleImage: Ubezpieczyciele stawiają na polisy spersonalizowane - nowe przepisy o ochronie danych mogą to ograniczyć

7 years ago

Poles will log into administrative e-services of other EU countries using national login

As a result of tests led by EU, we will be able to settle official matters in EU countries without necessity to visit certain country. Online access to public portals in EU countries is to be made available as from the September of the following year.
articleImage: Polacy zalogują się krajowym loginem do e-usług administracyjnych innych państw UE

7 years ago

Commercial courts are coming back

Commercial procedure shall be reintroduced to judiciary system – with heavier restrictions about participants, and maximally shortened procedure. More details in portal Sądy gospodarcze wracają

7 years ago

Marketing, press, TV under observation of Office of Consumer and Commercial Protection (UOKiK)

UOKiK does a reaserch on marketing market to evaluate structure and diagnose the level of concentration. This is a part of larger research on media branch conducted by UOKik. Read more in today’s Dziennika Gazeta Prawna.,reklama-prasa-telewizja-pod-lupa-uokik.html

media, telewizja

7 years ago

Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) shall hit Allegro

For a long time UOKiK took Allegro over investigation for unlawful privilege for its own online shop. President of UOKiK announced in today’s Rzeczpospolita, that market and millions of Allegro user may expect the major decision.

7 years ago

Processor will take responsibility for the data

Data administrators may demandl compatibility of software with #GDPR from IT solution providers. Following new General Data Protection Regulation every processing of personal data should be goverened by act or other legal provision. Read more in today’s Puls Biznesu. result for logo puls biznesu

7 years ago

Government will change the Labour Code

Revolution in vacations and salaries. Work on new governmental changes in Labour Code are in progress Ministry of Labour reveals some of – in its opinion – revolutionary solutions that are about to fix labour law system.,81,0,2372177.htmlMinisterstwo Rodziny, Pracy i Polityki Społecznej zapewnia, że rewolucyjne zmiany dla rynku posłużą naprawie prawa pracy.

7 years ago

Personal data protection: „Clause Hunters” starts the chase for entrepreneurs

As an effect of new legislation on personal data protection, the entrepreneurs are afraid of firms specialised in blackmailing for personal data protection breaches. Sanctions for violating this law could reach even dozens mln of złoty. Read more in today’s Gazeta Prawna.,klauzule-niedozwolone-ochrona-danych-osobowych.html20 mln euro maksymalnej kary będzie grozić za naruszenie przepisów o ochronie danych osobowych


7 years ago

New Partner in DJP!

We are gladly announce that at 1st of October mec. Agata Durczyńska, who’s the member of our team for over 10 years, has advanced to the circle of DJP Partners! In her practice mec. Durczyńska specialise in court disputes, commercial contracts, M&A transactions , and also in restructuring and bankruptcy. We believe, that mec. Durczyńska as a new Partner will boost development of our Law Firm, and we wish her all further success!

7 years ago

General Inspector for Personal Data Protection criticises bill of personal data legislation

Project of new legislation on personal data protection presented on Wednesday’s parliamentary comitee brings serious doubts about independence of data protection office.

articleImage: GIODO krytycznie o projekcie przepisów o ochronie danych osobowych

7 years ago

Under pressure of UE Google introduces changes

Threatened by severe fines, Google decided to abandon his competition limiting policies, and bring necessary changes in his comparision shopping browser. The move is an aswer for EC order to withraw law-breaking actions, although the company appealed to the Court of Justice of EU. Pod presją KE Google wprowadza zmiany

7 years ago

Fines for governmental bureaus, hospitals and universties – Paweł Litwiński about personal data protection in public sector

One of the most interesting aspects of #GDPR are fines for the breach of regulation – in amount, or as a percentage of turnover. Fines will be applied both for private and public sector. What will be the rules of punishing public entities? Text by Paweł Litwiński, member of Council of Digitalisation in Ministry of Digitalization in today’s Rzeczpospolita.—Pawel-Litwinski-o-ochronie-danych-osobowych-w-podmiotach-publicznych.html#ap-1

7 years ago

Victims of bid rigging can go to court

Participants of cartel shares joint and several liability for the damage, but small and medium companies are usually discharged. Damages claim can be raised by everybody, who suffered a damage in result of conspiracy, but estimating the amount could be a challenge. Today’s Puls Biznesu explains possibilities based on new legislation on claims.
About tools included into this act we can also read in mec. Łukasz Doktór text, who’s trying to anwer if new legislation really brings new perspectives to the entrepreneurs.

7 years ago

CCTV no longer for employee surveillance

New bill of provisions implementing Personal Data Protection Act has many sectoral rules, also related to labour law. CCTV shall no longer can be used for monitoring if employee performs his duties correct. Topic brought by Rzeczpospolita.

7 years ago

Pirates are expected to disappear from

Service for storing files – is not only to monitor the network and eliminate illegal film copies, but also to delete accounts of users who placed them on website.,chomikuj-pl-piraci-internet.htmlKasowanie kont użytkowników naruszających prawa do innych utworów będzie więc zależeć od decyzji i odbywać się na podstawie regulaminu, który przewiduje taką sankcję.

7 years ago

VAT: divided payment, deteriorated liquidity

VAT taxpayers will settle taxes by double accounts. One of them will be used for settlements with the treasury. Such system aims at preventing tax extortions. This amendment should apply from April of the next year.

7 years ago

Kawecki: In privacy protection, swiftness matters. For Poles it’s more important that amount of fines.

“In spite of appearances, Poles care more about swiftness of protection than amount of penalty for the violation” says dr Maciej Kawecki in today’s inerview for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna about project of provisions adapting Polish law to upcoming #RODO,kawecki-ochrona-danych-osobowych.htmlZgodnie z przekazanym właśnie do konsultacji projektem nowych przepisów prezes UODO będzie miał zachowaną niezależność dużo większą, niż wymaga tego unijne rozporządzenie.

7 years ago

Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Daa (GIODO): PESEL database must be better protected

GIODO’s control reaveled, that Ministry of Digital Affairs – as the administrator of data in #PESEL register – has breached regulations for personal data protection.

articleImage: GIODO: dane w rejestrze PESEL muszą być lepiej chronione

7 years ago

Office for Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) leniant for entrepreuers

In first half of this year #UOKiK fined only 23 entrepreuers (for the total amount of 2,8 million zl) for violating consumer’s interest, abusing for a dominant position and participating in prohibited agreements. About implementation strategy of hard methods, adopted late last year, inform #Puls Biznesu.

7 years ago

EC wants to block Bayern’s takeover of Monsanto

Upcoming acquisition of Monsanto by Bayer raises doubts for the European Commision. Approval must also be granted by USA anti-monopoly office. It promises to be one of the largest mergers on chemistry global market.


7 years ago

Social campaign “Pottentialy unSafe” targeted on business is launched

“Pottentialy unSafe” is the new edition of educational campaign for the entrepreneurs, focused o preparations to new legislation on personal data. Honorary patronage is held by The Ministry of Digital Affairs and the campaign is conducted by “Knowledge is the Security” Foundation. Marcin Zadrożny, the press spokesman of foundation explains main ideas and goals of the movement.

7 years ago

Court of Justice of EU: Intel’s billion fine repealed

Court of Justice of EU has repealed Intel’s antitrust fine for abuse of dominant position on processor market. The main justification of repeal was Court’s ommision of Intel’s plea on as-efficient-test conducted by EU Comission. The topic is brought by Rzeczpospolita. #competitionlaw

7 years ago

Personal Data: New inspectors no longer will provide for dozens of companies

Inspectors for the protection of personal data will still have a possibility to be appointed by few different entrepreneurs. By several dozens – not anymore, GIODO says. The interpretation by General Inspector for the Protection of Personal Data (pl. GIODO) is presented by Slawomir Wikariak in today’s Gazeta Prawna.,ochrona-danych-osobowych-inspektorzy-firmy.html

kontrola, praca

7 years ago

UOKiK will coach on competition law in tenders

Office of Competition and Consumer (pl. UOKiK) officialy has launched an e-learning platform about the major issues of illegal arrangements in tenders. Will this new tool boost the exposure of unlawful competitive practices?

articleImage: UOKiK przeszkoli nt. prawa konkurencji w przetargach


7 years ago

Major update in IT regulations approaches

Legislators are preparing several significant changes in IT law. Read the recap of the most important ones in today’s

articleImage: Będą wielkie zmiany w regulacjach dotyczących IT

7 years ago

How to defend yourself against telemarketing?

Although everybody has the right to wipe out his personal data from telemarketers’ database, some companies disobey. Today’s Rzeczpospolita about legal basis for customers, who want to avoid insistant telesellers phone calls. #privacy #dataprotection

7 years ago

Four advantages of the new EU Data Protection Regulation

Person who has suffered a data leak will has the right to compensation for damages resulting from breach of the data protection rules. Positive aspects of introducing #RODO for consumers are commented by legal counsel Maciej Gawronski.

articleImage: Cztery zalety nowego unijnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych

7 years ago

What will be the responsibility of the data protection supervisor?

One of the basic changes in the implementation of #RODO is the replacement the data security administrator by the data protection supervisor. What responsibility will be imposed by the new functions? Wlodzimierz Dola concludes.

Jaką odpowiedzialność będzie miał inspektor ochrony danych

7 years ago

Is the Efficiency Directive hope for the antitrust law?

The European Commission presented the project of a directive coordinating the actions of national competition authorities. The aim is to improve effectiveness of the application of EU competition law. Brief explanation of the project’s assumptions is in:

articleImage: Dyrektywa efektywnościowa nadzieją prawa antymonopolowego?

7 years ago

Personal data are still not being protected

The results of the research made by AIIM International indicate that most of the surveyed companies are not prepared for the entry into force a #RODO. Rzeczpospolita gives details.

7 years ago

Opening of the restructuring is too easy

The number of open restructuring proceedings increased in the first half of the year. How does the new restructuring law work in practice? Isn’t it abused? Wojciech Bokina comments in Puls Biznesu

7 years ago

Lukasz Piebiak about plans to reform the Code of Civil Procedure

First information on the ongoing work on the amendment of the civil procedure. One of the changes is return to separate business case procedure. More on Rzeczpospolita #lawreform #litigation
